Putting Competition: Planned for Wed 23rd July is cancelled due to the weather.
Busy Bee: Next Busy Bee to be held on Saturday 9th August 2014, from 10 – 12noon followed by lunch.
Carports: Planning approval has been received from the City of Wanneroo for the erection of carports. Contact the office for full details or see the notice board.
New Smoke Alarms: At the recent Q & A the sensitivity of the smoke alarms was raised and the issue of the cost of the phone calls. We have had a couple of residents whose smoke alarms seemed to be extra sensitive and the electrician has attended these properties to check them. With the recent lightning strike some of the smart link panels have been causing problems and we have had to test them which also has caused a few residents to have a few extra phone calls on their bills.
Gardeners Trailer: Please could residents not use the gardeners trailer for dumping any of their garden waste. Please use the recycling bins provided by the shire 2 of which are provided in the caravan park.
Eastern Pedestrian Gate: The lock on the pedestrian gate near the Caravan area is not working, please do not use this gate. The locksmith will be attending on Tuesday to fix it. Do not put your key in the lock as they are getting stuck.