Our village has a range of facilities available to residents. These facilities can be used by residents' visitors, guests or boarders; however, the host resident is responsible for them, and a resident must always accompany them (boarders excepted). An electronic notice board (ENB) showing group activities and bookings is located in the café.
Note that in Schedule 4 of the Deed, village rules
Note that in Schedule 4 of the Deed, village rules
- 1.1 states that "you must not obstruct or allow the obstruction of any walkways, pathways, entrances, passages, courts, corridors, driveways, vestibules, halls, roads, stairways, fire or escape doors or other parts of the Common Areas or any related Plumbing Fittings or conveniences"; and that
- 3.1 states that "subject to any provision contained in this Deed, we [Village Management] may close, lock off or otherwise control access to the Village Centre from time to time and may take any and all actions we consider necessary for those purposes.
- 3.2 In particular, we may take any actions necessary to prevent unauthorised persons from using any part of the Village."
Air Conditioning
Air conditioners are in many clubhouse rooms and can be individually controlled. They are left off when rooms are unattended. If you turn them on for an event, please also turn them off before leaving the room. These air conditioners are seasonally set to either heat or cool only.
Gas heaters are located either side of the Harbourside Room. You may turn these on, but please turn them off again when you leave the room.
Gas heaters are located either side of the Harbourside Room. You may turn these on, but please turn them off again when you leave the room.
A fixed six-burner gas barbeque with a hood is located by the swimming pool, with another (mobile) barbeque available on the Clubhouse terrace.
Etiquette: You are welcome to use them at any time, but a member of your party must clean it after each use, or by 8 am the next morning. You must also tidy the area and clean any clubhouse utensils, crockery, and cutlery you use. Multiple groups should use it on a first come basis, unless they agree otherwise.
Operation: To use the poolside barbeque, you must first turn on the gas tap located under the bench and turn it off when you've finished. To light it slide the hot plate over the grates, turn on the left tap and apply a flame to the left burner. Replace the hot plate. One by one and left to right turn on the rest of the taps but wait for each burner to catch alight before opening the next tap.
Etiquette: You are welcome to use them at any time, but a member of your party must clean it after each use, or by 8 am the next morning. You must also tidy the area and clean any clubhouse utensils, crockery, and cutlery you use. Multiple groups should use it on a first come basis, unless they agree otherwise.
Operation: To use the poolside barbeque, you must first turn on the gas tap located under the bench and turn it off when you've finished. To light it slide the hot plate over the grates, turn on the left tap and apply a flame to the left burner. Replace the hot plate. One by one and left to right turn on the rest of the taps but wait for each burner to catch alight before opening the next tap.
Bowling Green
Three open-air synthetic lawn bowl lanes are located in front of the clubhouse. The green was completed in November 2011 and a replacement is under consideration. Bowlers are kindly asked to assist in maintaining the surface by not scuffing their shoes or dropping their bowls onto it thereby damaging the surface. It is only for bowling: Do not use the surface as a shortcut to the clubhouse or as a playground.
A small fee is payable to the bowling group to cover incidental costs of running events.
Etiquette: You are welcome to use the centre lane for practice between scheduled events. For scheduled events and to play see the ENB in the café for open bookings.
A small fee is payable to the bowling group to cover incidental costs of running events.
Etiquette: You are welcome to use the centre lane for practice between scheduled events. For scheduled events and to play see the ENB in the café for open bookings.

An electric cart (e-cart) stationed at the clubhouse provides transport within the village. It is used by staff, our salesperson, village workers, and residents requiring assistance. See Deed Schedule 4, clause 11.

An eleven-seat bus is available for residents' use in accord with policy. It is used for outings and shopping trips. See Deed Schedule 4, clause 10.
Coffee and drinks are available in the clubhouse café. Instant coffee, tea bags and milk are complementary. All others are bought retail by Social Committee volunteers. Access is help yourself on an honour basis: you need to recompense the appropriate kitty receptacle by the recommended amount to keep this facility operating.
Daily newspapers are located on the sideboard by the gym door.
Etiquette: wipe lipstick off cups and glasses and rinse off food stuffs before loading into bar dishwasher. Ensure tablet is loaded, turn the washer on when full, and set indicator disk to 'CLEAN'. Empty it if finished and put contents back on shelves (after towel drying if necessary). Set indicator disk to 'DIRTY'.
Daily newspapers are located on the sideboard by the gym door.
Etiquette: wipe lipstick off cups and glasses and rinse off food stuffs before loading into bar dishwasher. Ensure tablet is loaded, turn the washer on when full, and set indicator disk to 'CLEAN'. Empty it if finished and put contents back on shelves (after towel drying if necessary). Set indicator disk to 'DIRTY'.
The bar in the café operates on the honesty system. A suggested contribution for each type of soft or alcoholic drink is posted on the bar along with a box to receive it. This bar is staffed for Friday Sundowners and some functions to avoid mishaps due to crowding behind the bar. When not staffed you serve yourself.
The bar is stocked by nominated residents using bar proceeds for retail purchases that aim to replace products prove popular: hence, the availability of unpopular products will tend to cease.
Etiquette: bus your used glasses and dispose of containers and detritus in the appropriate bins. Empty filled bins into recycle bins behind the kitchen via the garage.
The bar in the café operates on the honesty system. A suggested contribution for each type of soft or alcoholic drink is posted on the bar along with a box to receive it. This bar is staffed for Friday Sundowners and some functions to avoid mishaps due to crowding behind the bar. When not staffed you serve yourself.
The bar is stocked by nominated residents using bar proceeds for retail purchases that aim to replace products prove popular: hence, the availability of unpopular products will tend to cease.
Etiquette: bus your used glasses and dispose of containers and detritus in the appropriate bins. Empty filled bins into recycle bins behind the kitchen via the garage.
Car Parking

As parking can be contentious, we have agreed to measures that least restrict us and increase spaces. All visitor parking areas are 'common area' and cannot be reserved by a resident, so do not hog them. Use your carport bay/driveway. Please obey the parking/no- parking markings on the roads and ensure your guests do too. Be mindful of street parking impeding opposing driveway's ingress/egress. See Deed Schedule 4, clause 5 for details.
Caravan Park
Space for caravans, campervans, boats, or trailers is not part of your estate, limited, and generally allocated on a first come basis. Vacancies occur infrequently. If you occupy a bay and are not using your van etc., please move it on to release your space and advise management.
The clubhouse contains most of our social facilities and you are encouraged to think of it as an extension to your lounge room. It is accessible 24 hours a day. One of your keys or the fob will unlock it after hours. You are responsible for turning off the lights and locking it if you exit any time between 8pm-7am. Out of hours, please be mindful of the staff sleeping on-site and refrain from creating any disturbance or excessive noise.
There is a computer room in the clubhouse on the upper floor equipped with a laptop computer, a printer/scanner, and an Internet connection. You can access these at any time on a first come basis. Simply turn them on and open the Guest account to begin and switch them off when you've finished. Reception can put you in touch with help if needed and are the point of contact if problems arise.
Function Rooms
An art and craft room are in the clubhouse on the upper floor. Access this floor at any time on a shared basis, unless booked for an event. You may reserve the Panorama room for personal events such as resident birthday or anniversary parties or wakes. Programmed village events have priority over personal events. Event bookings are made with reception.
Guest Suite
A guest suite is located on the upper floor of the clubhouse. It is available to residents and their visiting guests. Up to three adults may occupy this suite. The cost is currently $130 per night. Please note that no children (under 18) are allowed. It has a lounge/dining, kitchen, bedroom, and the ensuite bathroom includes laundry facilities. Tea, coffee, and milk are provided along with some other necessities. Please see reception to make a booking.
A gym is located next to the swimming pool is accessible either from the pool area or the café. Equipment includes a bicycle, recumbent bike, walker, rowing machine, fitness trainer, weights, skip rope, Swiss balls, punching bag, commando rope, and radio. His and hers toilets and change rooms also service the swimming pool.
Etiquette: Users should negotiate among themselves how they will share the equipment when two or more attend. Wipe down each piece of equipment after each user. Turn off the radio and air-conditioning when leaving.
Emergency buttons are installed low on the table by the change rooms and inside each change room too.
Etiquette: Users should negotiate among themselves how they will share the equipment when two or more attend. Wipe down each piece of equipment after each user. Turn off the radio and air-conditioning when leaving.
Emergency buttons are installed low on the table by the change rooms and inside each change room too.
Located in the foyer, our kiosk is accessible at any time. Our volunteers source a small range of necessities such as chocolates, chips, honey, UHT milk, cards, etc. Local newspapers and fliers are put there too. Please place payment in the appropriate honour box provided to keep this convenience operating. Also, write your purchase in the notebook on the counter, which informs future stocking and shopping requirements.
Located behind the café is a well-equipped catering kitchen with stove, oven, microwave, Bain-Marie, toaster, electric jug, scullery area with sanitiser. The fridge and freezer are located in the adjacent garage.
Oven: note that the gas tap and pilot light are always to be left on.
Sanitiser: this is not a dishwashing machine, just a sterilizer, and needs to be set up according to instructions on the wall at least half an hour before use. All food traces must be wiped off crockery, utensils, and glassware before loading.
Bain Marie: this needs to be set up according to instructions on the wall.
Etiquette: you may use the kitchen provided you also clean all equipment and surfaces; however, you must cease operations by 11pm as staff sleep in an adjacent room. Complete unfinished cleaning between 7-8am the next morning.
Oven: note that the gas tap and pilot light are always to be left on.
Sanitiser: this is not a dishwashing machine, just a sterilizer, and needs to be set up according to instructions on the wall at least half an hour before use. All food traces must be wiped off crockery, utensils, and glassware before loading.
Bain Marie: this needs to be set up according to instructions on the wall.
Etiquette: you may use the kitchen provided you also clean all equipment and surfaces; however, you must cease operations by 11pm as staff sleep in an adjacent room. Complete unfinished cleaning between 7-8am the next morning.
Our volunteer librarians regularly turn over our book supply. It is located by the dance floor and in the computing room. Books are accessible at any time. Please record in the register both when taken and returned for those by the dance floor. Those in the computing room do not need to be recorded or returned - take them on holiday. If donating books, please leave them on the shelf by the dance floor (however we have restricted space so please try to limit donations; you can dispose of unwanted books in your recycling bin).
Clubhouse: there is emergency lighting that is on all the time; security lighting that comes on at dusk; room lighting that you may dimmer control; and recreational lighting used for dance floor events. You may turn on room lighting as needed, but please turn it off again when leaving the room unattended. External lighting is automatic and comes on at dusk and will turn off at around 10:30pm.
Streets: security lighting to common areas comes on at dusk, as does external lighting around the clubhouse. If you notice any lights not working or flickering, please report their location to reception.
Streets: security lighting to common areas comes on at dusk, as does external lighting around the clubhouse. If you notice any lights not working or flickering, please report their location to reception.
Lost and Found
For low value items please leave or retrieve them from the lower shelf in the kiosk. Otherwise consult reception.
Meeting Room
A meeting room next to the computing room on the upper floor holds up to a dozen people comfortably. To use this room, please book it with reception. This room is generally used for committee meetings but is also available for private meetings, including fellowship meetings.
Snooker Room
On the ground floor there are two three-quarter size snooker tables and a dart board. See Pool and Snooker activities for more detail. Associated equipment is in the adjacent cupboard.
Swimming Pool

Behind the clubhouse is our outdoor swimming pool heat set to 28 degrees from spring through autumn and closed during winter. It is solar power heated. A heat blanket is pulled over the pool each evening and electrically retracted to its roller while in use. Your assistance with these tasks when you're in the vicinity would be appreciated. Note that water temperature cannot be guaranteed as it varies with weather conditions, particularly wind and cloud. See Deed Schedule 4, clause 6.
Etiquette/Rules: Lap swimmers should agree among themselves how to share time, as it only accommodates two swimmers. Everyone should shower; wear a swimming costume; Note rules on the wall by the pool, and those in Schedule 4 clause 6; and be mindful of the enjoyment of others.
NO glassware please: keep glassware out of the area (use acrylic drinkware located under cutlery); When drinking in the pool area protect bottles from breakage using containers. If you do break any glass, do vacuum the area to remove shards. If you notice broken glass has fallen into the pool please advise reception immediately, so that removal can be arranged, and everyone's safety preserved.
Etiquette/Rules: Lap swimmers should agree among themselves how to share time, as it only accommodates two swimmers. Everyone should shower; wear a swimming costume; Note rules on the wall by the pool, and those in Schedule 4 clause 6; and be mindful of the enjoyment of others.
NO glassware please: keep glassware out of the area (use acrylic drinkware located under cutlery); When drinking in the pool area protect bottles from breakage using containers. If you do break any glass, do vacuum the area to remove shards. If you notice broken glass has fallen into the pool please advise reception immediately, so that removal can be arranged, and everyone's safety preserved.
Adjacent to our caravan park we have a workshop in which residents can conduct their hobbies; however, residents must supply their own tools. To access the workshop, obtain the key from reception and return it when you leave.
Etiquette: You should liaise with other residents who use the facility to mutually agree sharing arrangements including storage of incomplete projects. Do not use the facility as a storeroom. Ensure you use dust extraction facilities provided; keep noise to a minimum; and clean up before lock-up each day.
Note that some village materials are stored in and around the facility for works and gardening purposes. Please do not leave bulky discarded items in this area, rather dispose of them at the Mindarie Waste Facility at Tamala Park on Marmion Avenue.
Etiquette: You should liaise with other residents who use the facility to mutually agree sharing arrangements including storage of incomplete projects. Do not use the facility as a storeroom. Ensure you use dust extraction facilities provided; keep noise to a minimum; and clean up before lock-up each day.
Note that some village materials are stored in and around the facility for works and gardening purposes. Please do not leave bulky discarded items in this area, rather dispose of them at the Mindarie Waste Facility at Tamala Park on Marmion Avenue.