The online edition of The Grapevine closed early in 2015 as we moved to providing notices and other important village information by direct email/mail into your letterbox on a timely basis. The website continues to provide other material throughout and general village information on the Residents Only page. Harbourside Happenings will also continue to be available on the newsletter page as usual.
The recently elected Residents Committee met on Monday 15 December 2014 and made the following appointments:
CHAIRPERSON: Des Cousins VICE CHAIRPERSON: Mike Kavanagh SECRETARY: Coralie Clarke AB MEMBERS: The Chairman (ex-officio) and Mike Kavanagh. SPECIAL RESIDENTS GENERAL MEETING CLUBHOUSE REFURNISHING The November 2014 Residents General Meeting decided that the Clubhouse Refurnishing Project should be to "refurnish and redecorate the entrance and the upper and lower levels of the Clubhouse in a style in keeping with the Village's beachside location" and that the Residents Committee should prepare a "scope of works" to be brought to a Residents General meeting as soon as possible. The Residents Committee has agreed on a Scope of Works for presentation to a Special Residents General Meeting to be held on Friday 16 January 2015 at 2pm. The formal notice calling the meeting will be delivered to residents in the next few days together with the proposed Scope of Works. A Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year to all our readers. Hopefully Grapevine News will recommence in the new year.
A link to an urgent notice from the RC Chairman can be found by clicking HERE due to the length of the letter.
A link to a letter from LLRL with reference to in-house movies (our channel 45) can be read by clicking HERE.
Village Rates update following a meeting with Landgate on 5th November 2014
The anticipated meeting with Mr Edward Rasts the Landgate District Valuer and his assistant took place in the village today. I had invited Des Cousins to join in the discussions given his wide knowledge of village affairs. This was fundamentally an initial briefing for landgate into the many discrepancies and disproportionate GRVs that had been applied to various village properties in the latest revaluation. A number of examples were tabled to demonstrate the size of the problem. For example we established that a 1 bed 1 study apartment was recorded in their data base as having two bedrooms. The modelling used by Landgate apparently only considers overall floor area and the number of bedrooms & bathrooms, with a percentage increase on valuation applied for properties with sea views for example. During our subsequent village walk around we pointed out a sizeable villa that has the same GRV as a 1 bed 1 study apartment. It was apparent that the Landgate property data was out of date with regard to sea views and property layout and floor area. Incorrect data is possibly associated with the progressive phased building of the village, so that as properties were added incorrect assumptions were made that these new properties were the same design and layout as a previous phase. Many properties at that time had sea views that now no longer exist due to subsequent building works. At our request Village management have agreed to supply copies of property floor plans within the next few days and Des Cousins has kindly agreed to check these out for correctness before we submit them to Landgate for inserting into their data base. Once all the property updating is in place we will then hold a further detailed meeting to establish what actuall GRV corrections might be considered. Stuart Moles Spa Update: The spa has now been commissioned and we are just waiting for the contractor who is constructing the steps, then we can apply to the shire for the final approval.
Customer Surveys: Please don’t forget to complete your customer surveys by October 31st. There is an incentive of gift vouchers by means of a raffle of $100, $50 and $25 respectively for all residents that return their survey. November show: There will be a sound test on Thursday 30th between 11am and late afternoon, for anyone in the show who will be using the microphones. Please check with Sharon for times. Open Day: Sunday 9th November, anyone wishing to display any work done in/for the village ie. Craft, Art, Quilting etc. please contact Deborah. Crazy Whist: will be on the Panorama room Tuesday 28th October at 2.45pm Morning Tea: next week 6th November the speakers will be Brightwater who have visited before but will bring more information. The latest information pertaining to the proposed GRV Enquiry at Harbourside is contained in a document which can be viewed by clicking HERE.
Village Video: There will be a videographer in the village on Wednesday doing a promotional video on Harbourside Village with different groups of residents involved. I am sure it will be a bit of fun and for all those that are taking part there will be a sausage sizzle laid on by Lend Lease to thank them for their participation. Let’s hope it is a sunny day to showcase our village and its stunning location. Thank you to all residents who are taking part on the day.
Village Survey: It’s that time of year again – the Annual Village Survey 2014 which will arrive in your letter shortly. As an incentive to you to take part, Deborah is offering the chance to win 1 of 3 Gift Cards, in the amount of $100, $50 and $25. Having filled in the survey, post it in view of staff in the letterbox at the front counter and you will be issued with a raffle ticket to win one of the 3 prizes. The deadline for the return of the surveys is 31st October – thank you for participating. Clubhouse environs use: Deborah ask’s, that as a courtesy when anyone, any group or committee plan to use a room/area for anything that it should be booked/noted with us/staff in the office diary. This standard procedure is in place so that the office/staff are aware at all times of the day and night, of what is happening and prevents clashes, angst to all. This also applies at weekends, so that all staff are aware at all times. Gated area adjacent to garage: This area houses the clubhouse air conditioners, pool boiler etc. and the gas meter. Contractors need to be able to access these at all times. It is not to be used for storage unless cleared by prior arrangement with management. Management are required to check these areas on a monthly basis for EH & S (Environmental Health & Safety). ACROD parking: Please be considerate and remember that these spaces are for ACROD holders ONLY. Thank you for your help and understanding in this matter. Clubhouse bins: Please remember that staff & fellow residents put these bins out – they should not be over filled with heavy matter as they are difficult to move. BUSY BEE: The next Busy Bee will be held on the 1st. November 2014.The starting time will be 10.00 A.M. and finish at 12.00 noon. A light lunch will be provided and volunteers are encouraged to engage by putting your name on the list - notice board. Melbourne Cup. Roy Shea has drawn up a new programme to help with the sweep and make it easier for everyone. The stake this year as a trial will be $5 per person which will include the champagne and strawberries on arrival. . The residents give their address and phone number to Roy to entered into the computer and it will automatically come up with the person's name. After the $5 stake has been entered the computer will automatically give that person a horse randomly. After the 24 horses have been used the computer starts the process again, so obviously there will be more than one winner. Once the race has finished the computer will in seconds say what the winning amounts will be. Hopefully residents will find this much better. Roy has thought of all eventualities, like power cuts, computer crashing, he has got it all covered. Residents are requested to pay their $5 stake on Monday evening 3rd November at 7 p.m. if possible. The lunch will be a buffet as usual and the cost will be $25.00. It was requested by residents to go back to the old method of payment by putting their name and choice of dessert on the list which will go up on the 20th October, and then put their money in the red box situated in the kiosk within 3 days. Great day at Mosman Park Bowling Club, thanks to Lend Lease. Harbourside teams won 2 & lost 2, but came 3rd overall, great effort and well done by everyone, roll on next year.Please support the TRIPLES Competition over the weekend of 18th & 19th OCTOBER.
A communication on a review of village rates (GRV) can be found HERE. Residents at this point in time need make no further enquiries to the VG Office pending their visit to the village (tba).
A breakdown of village valuations for 2014-15 has been added to the 'Residents Only' page as a guide for residents. (October HH has been added to the Newsletter Page) Congratulations Deborah
Our warmest congratulations go to Deborah Searle our Village Manager for recently winning the prestigious prize of Lend Lease WA Region Manager of the Year. Against strict criteria she managed to beat all her peers in only her first year in the job. Our Village is fortunate to have such a competent and dedicated Manager. Her achievement also reflects positively on the sound working relationship our committee have established with the Manager and Lend Lease. Well done Deborah. Refurnishing Many thanks for all the residents who attended our recent workshop. The discussions and outcomes were most positive and enabled the project team to better focus on preferred outcomes. The Village Manager and I have now completed our assessment of the submissions and we are working through the Advisory Board and Lend Lease legal to engage the interior design consultant. More details will follow shortly on the regular Grapevine Notice. Rates Issue The City of Wanneroo rates and finance staff attended our recent information session. They helped explain the rating process and responded well to our host of questions about the excessive rate increases we all experienced this year albeit to differing levels. The Council provided a very worthwhile spreadsheet (copies available at Reception) depicting the Valuer General’s valuations for all properties in our village and the comparative amount of rates. The sheet highlighted many anomalies between the type and size of the residence compared to respective VGO valuations. A resident driven workshop is to be held to coordinate appeals to the VGO by the deadline at the end of September. The Residents’ Committee is no longer involved as it is a personal matter for each resident. We wish you luck should you decide to appeal to VGO on your property valuation. November Committee Elections The last RGM approved a motion to extend the tenure of the current Residents’ Committee members for two months up to the November RGM and annual elections. This was a one-off need to comply with the change in timing of our RGM from bi-monthly to quarterly. A number of Committee members including myself have indicated they will not be standing for re-election so there will be many opportunities should you wish to nominate for a vacancy. At the end of October relevant papers will be made available. Graeme Lambert will be the Returning Officer so if in the meantime should you require any further information please feel free to contact him. Current activities Some of the major activities your Committee are working on are listed below. It is hoped that most, if not all, will be completed in our current committee tenure.
Kindest regards to all Deborah is very proud to announce that Harbourside Village has been nominated as the Lend Lease Village of the Year. The award is intended to highlight what a “great” village looks like and recognize the village which excels in delivering the best to our residents, staff and the business as a whole. The award is determined by the regional teams and the winner goes through to the finals at the national level and this will be judged by the Executive Management Team.
Spa: The spa is being delivered by crane early in the morning on 24th September and then works will commence in October to install the necessary pumps in the pump room. Friendly reminder: to residents, please do not give the office address as your delivery address for packages. We are getting more and more parcels being delivered to the office and we are not able to take responsibility if anything goes missing. Bowling: Lend Lease Inter Village Bowling Carnival is being held next week on Thursday 2nd October at the Mosman Park Bowling Club. It should be a very enjoyable day and I will be there as chief cheerleader for our two teams. Open Day: Lend Lease are hosting an open day during seniors week and Sunday 9th November has been booked for Harbourside’s Open Day. RGM Minutes: are now on the board and on the website. This weeks films: which start on Thursday evening. It seems we are having a taste of all things foreign all have subtitles. Seven award winning films have been chosen. I am not quite sure just what we can expect but…. Possibly something to make us sit up and take notice. Draft Minutes of the August RGM have be placed on the 'Residents Only' page, together with confirmed minutes of the August RC Meeting.
City Rates: Following the informal meeting held recently by Stuart Moles to address concern by some residents about the increase in their 2014-15 City Rates and certain anomalies with their respective valuations we are continuing to make further enquiries and are seeking a meeting with the City on the matter. It is important to point out that your rates are your own concern and are not a Residents Committee or Village management issue. We are only pursuing this matter as courtesy to provide you with more information should you wish to appeal. In the meantime the attached FAQ on City rates will help you understand your rates better and on the back of your rate notice are instructions on how to appeal which you need to read carefully and as soon possible as deadlines apply. We will inform you of our findings at the earliest opportunity. For the FAQ on City rates please click HERE.
JP Service: Tracy Roberts who is the Mayor of the City of Wanneroo is also a JP and she has kindly offered Free Justice of the Peace services. This also includes a reminder of the fact that anyone can request from the City certificates and flowers for significant life celebrations. It might be particularly relevant to some residents as it would mean such celebrations as 50th and 60th wedding Anniversaries and 100th birthdays etc. could be marked in a special way. Q&A Meeting: The next Q&A will be on Friday 3rd October and not this Friday 5th September. Painting: The Painters are progressing well in the section of the village that is on the program this year, though the weather has caused a few problems. Front Desk: Melodie is on two weeks’ vacation from 1st September so the office will be manned by Deborah and an ERA from another village assisting her on some days, so please bear this in mind If you need to contact the office for any reason. Social Events Morning Tea: this coming Wednesday September 3rd our guest speaker will be Anne-Marie Holt from Curtin University. She will speak about the research project into Retirement Village (Lifestyle Village) Physical Activity & Nutrition for Seniors. Horse Racing: will be held in the clubhouse on Friday 12th September 6pm. A Red Rooster chicken dinner will be provided. Please place $10 in envelope in New Red Box in kiosk by 3.30pm 10th September. Father’s Day: cake stall will be held in the clubhouse at 10 am Saturday 6th September. All profits will go to the Prostate Cancer foundation. Please bring & buy cakes, scones, slices, pies etc. all welcome. Araluen: there will be an outing to Araluen on Tuesday 2nd September to see the tulips which are as usual amazing to see. List on board—bus leaving at 9.30am Indoor Bowls: 2nd-4th Wednesdays. This is held in the Panorama Room in the clubhouse at 9.30—12.30. Organise yourselves into teams of 4. Remember this is indoor bowls, no need to be too heavy! Great if the weather is bad outside and you have the benefit of the best view in Mindarie . The Library is choc-a-block, so we ask for no more books until we can remove some of the old ones. Then only recently published novels in a happy condition please. Two upcoming events to note:
1. TULIPS AT ARALUEN: Tuesday 2nd September. Bus leaves Clubhouse at 9:30. 2. SUNDOWNER HORSE RACING: Friday 12th September. Includes Chicken Dinner @ $10. Minutes of the August RC and AB meetings (drafts)are available on the 'Residents Only' page, and the September edition of HH.
Be aware that a tree surgeon will be in the village on Wednesday 27th August to remove and trim trees.
PLEASE NOTE: Painters in the gym on Wednesday and Thursday therefore the gym will be out of use for these days. Please take extra care when the painters are working with the elevated work platform around the south east corner of the village.
Flag Roster: The roster is posted on the Notice Board next to the Bowling Board. The roster is organised by Nancy Passmore and is short of volunteers. Involvement means a commitment to be responsible for raising and lowering the flag each day for just 1 week. Village Painting: the painters are now in the village. The areas to be painted are Rothsay Heights and the apartments at the east end of The Ramble. Any issues please discuss with the Manager and nor direct to painter thankyou. Spa: Now in Perth finally, ground pipework is being prepared to allow installation. Computer Training: Researched by Residents’ Committee following survey – will identify more information on precise training needs to progress further local training options. RGM: Next RGM is to be held on Friday 29th August. The agenda papers have been delivered and provide a progress report of the refurnishing project for the meeting. Avenue Trees/Gardening: The gardening team had identified a number of projects to be undertaken, including the felling and extraction or treatment of tree stumps and lifting of a number of trees and shrubs and their replacements. The Busy Bee Report “Grapevine” provides more details. It will take several weeks for a replacement program to be fully completed but the trees for The Avenue should be delivered soon. The regular garden team are in urgent need of more volunteers so please contact Jo Shaw if you can help. Lifts: This issue has been delayed pending Lend Lease action at other villages – it is planned to be taken to next AB Meeting for an update. Further information will be available at the August RGM. Busy Bee Report: A report on activities of the last Busy Bee can be found by clicking HERE. An electronic copy of the Agenda and previous minutes for the RGM on Friday 29 August can be found and downloaded by clicking HERE.
Lifts: This issue is to be taken to next AB Meeting for update.
Village Speed limit: the Residents Committee have agreed to increase this from 8 kph. to 10 kph. “No Parking” signs and speed limit signage is being investigated. Pigeons: will residents please report to the office on where pigeons are congregating. Further culling will take place when weather is more conducive Clubhouse and village security: use of anti-vandal paint on front and pedestrian gates is under consideration. It was agreed that opening/closing times of the front gate will be changed to 6am and 6pm. Gutter Cleaning: A quote of $9240 (maximum) for the whole village has been received. A second quote will be obtained. RAAFA: Have offered membership to their club (at Merriwa) for interested residents. Contact the Manager for details. Replacement of OVEN bulbs: A resident has recently had to replace the bulb in his oven and has forwarded to the Manager this useful information for all residents to be aware of. Anyone purchasing replacement bulbs for their ovens should verify that the bulb packaging includes the word OVEN and 300 degrees. You are not able to just use any bulb as this will fail. Tree and Garden Major Upgrade
The need to improve the appearance and suitability of our gardens for our high profile entry statement along The Avenue has been identified for some time. The current trees and gardens have become high maintenance, cause traffic issues and are unsightly. We are now circulating this information to inform all residents about what will be happening to upgrade this area of our village over the next 2-3 weeks. In the current year’s approved budget a one off capital funding allocation has been provided to upgrade the trees and gardens for our main high profile entry statement for our village. The first area to be addressed is the removal of existing trees and their replacement with suitable new trees in The Avenue from the main gate at Honiara Way to The Terrace intersection. The areas in The Avenue beyond that intersection will be addressed once the first section has been upgraded. Following extensive research and consultation with horticultural experts by your Gardening Committee they have identified the most suitable trees (Magnolia Kay Parris) and complementary plants for our coastal location that suit our harsh limestone soil conditions. These trees will be mature trees and be compact and upright and only grow slowly up to 4 metres high by up to 2 metres wide and should fit within our existing limited sized garden beds and not extend excessively onto roadways and footpaths. They have very attractive foliage and fragrant white flowers from December to May, require low water and can take full or part sun, suit windy coastal areas and require minimal maintenance. It is being arranged to remove all relevant existing trees in above area of The Avenue except those on the western side of the main gate (adjacent to village signage board) as the latter form a consistent plant theme that extends into the Western end of The Ramble. Starting this week the trees will be pruned and then removed and the replanting and soil treatment will follow in the following weeks. Please be careful when accessing this area while this work is in progress and look out for workers and vehicles. We are most conscious of maximising our limited funds and have negotiated special wholesale rates for all plants, soils and equipment hire while most activities will be undertaken by our own hard working dedicated volunteers for which we are all most grateful. Should you require more information please contact the Manager. We all look forward to an upgraded main avenue befitting our fine village. The August edition of 'Harbourside Happenings' has been posted on the Newsletter page, and photographs of the July Dinner are now in the Gallery 'Around The Village'.
HoursM-F: 9am - 5pm
TelephonePh 08 9407 8188